
LED Incident Reports

March 20, 2025 – Manassas, VA – Astigmatism
I mainly drive on roads with many hills, bumps, curves, etc… You’re going to get beamed no matter how “properly aimed” the headlights are. However, while I can quickly recover from halogens (high beams even) and still see what’s ahead, LEDs leave me blinded for multiple seconds at a time and even cause headaches. Looking away does not work and even if it did, you’re still driving blindly with no idea if there are obstructions, animals, or pedestrians ahead.

This is further worsened by the fact that Auto High Beams do not work. They do not respond quick enough and oftentimes flash high beams while there is still oncoming traffic.

Driving on highways, the guardrails also cause intense light to flash rapidly which is a huge health and safety hazard.

March 20, 2025 – Kuna, ID – Migraine
God save us 8-5 workers driving sedans in the winter. Never a workday I don’t have to drive in the dark for my 1hr commute. I used to do delivery service a lot in recent years and it gets worse and worse every year with how blinding headlights are. Not a fan of showing up to work–a deskjob where I’m already staring at a screen all day–and feeling like I just had a fresh lobotomy. Can’t even tell you how many times I’ve driven over road lines because I just can’t see them while getting flashbanged then having a lingering sunspot center in my vision. It’s ritual for me to keep my rearview mirror turned up and point my side-mirrors down just to drive safely… I hope one day Europeans won’t have a good reason to keep laughing at how technologically behind our country is. >_>

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Do LEDs bother you? Tell the FDA! Submit your own LED Incident Report.

BAN BLINDING HEADLIGHTS! Sign the petition and share. Over 68,000 people have already signed.

The US Department of Energy describes LEDs as radically new technology with a directional light and unique characteristics. It is these features that make LED light so harmful. Traditional light sources radiate the light outward. LEDs focus the light into a beam. Because LEDs emit a directional beam of focused light, the light does not disperse gently over distance, so even from far away, LED light is extremely intense. LED light is exceedingly dense in the middle of the beam, but the density is near zero at the edges. The unique characteristics of LED light include the directional beam, non-uniform spatial distribution, unnatural spectral power distribution, square wave flicker, and digital flashing. Each individual and creature reacts differently to the different characteristics. There are little or no government regulations for any of this.