Incidents with Light Pollution

January 26, 2024Aspen goes dark with a new ordinance that punishes “light trespass” – Aspen, Colorado adopts light pollution regulations.

December 3, 2023It’s Autumn Everywhere Except Under this Streetlight – Video short showing how trees keep their leaves too long under artificial light.

September 6, 2023Light Pollution is Causing Oyster Insomnia – “Even artificial light that’s dimmer than the full moon can knock oysters’ circadian rhythms out of sync.”

May 28, 2023Stars Could Be Invisible within 20 Years – Guardian article on light pollution.

March 8, 2023How Light Pollution Disrupts Plants’ Senses – BBC article on how light interferes with pollination.

March 29, 2022Sleeping in a Room Even a Little Bit of Light – Transcript of podcast discussing how even tiny amounts of light disturb our body at night.

March 28, 2022Modern Street Lights Disrupt Camouflage of Coastal Species – LED broad spectrum light is toxic for the environment.

March 14, 2022Close the Blinds During Sleep to Protect Your Health – Even tiny amounts of light increase risk of disease.

February 23, 2022Kansas City’s Plan to Install LED Streetlights Already Raising Flags – This news story raises the issue of the toxicity of LED streetlights prior to the council agreeing to the installation of LEDs.

February 21, 2022Zoning Variance Petition for Electronic Billboard Withdrawn – Upper Merion, Pennsylvania

February 10, 2022Letter to Editor, Lethbridge Herald

February 8, 2022Groups Sue Maui Resort – Birds are attracted to the resorts lights and are dying.

January 16, 2022Dark Sky Locations Showcase Nature’s Beauty at Night – The story notes that excessive light increases crime.

December 30, 2021Country Diary: The Robins Can’t Sleep – The author notices the toxicity of LED streetlights, but falls into the LED Cartel’s trap of claiming that LEDs are energy efficient.

December 6, 2021Paris, France – Study finds that 95% of residents of want the lights turned down at night.

October 4, 2021Hampstead, Camden, United Kingdom

September 14, 2021Chattanooga Tennis Court Lights

May 31, 2021Evergy: Manufacturer will replace defective street lights turning purple – Evergy falsely claims that LED streetlights are more energy efficient.

Feb. 2021Turtles Stranded – Turtle hatchlings swim the wrong way due to light pollution.

March, 2016Distraction from Digital Billboards – Links to research showing that digital billboards are dangerous.

There’s Too Much Artificial Light At Night To See Stars

LED Light Can Damage Eyes, Health Authority Warns

Illegal Lights, Angeles National Forest

Town Considers Upgrading More Street Lights with LED Bulbs

Where Last Pristine Skies in America Are

Light Pollution and the Insect Apocalypse

Cities Need to Embrace the Darkness of the Night Sky – Here’s Why

What a Pediatrician Wants you to Know About Christmas Lights and Your Baby’s Eyes

Lights Out Portland

2008Viva Las Vegas: LEDs and the energy efficiency paradox – Prescient observation of the LED fraud.