
With the introduction of LEDs as primary artificial lighting, matters got worse.  LEDs cause an instantaneous adverse effect at any level of exposure. I cannot be exposed to LEDs for any period of time. I experience dizziness, eye pain, head pain and other visual disturbances including, eyes strain and blurred vision. I am unable to think, walk, or talk, and I experience numbness. I was told by my primary physician that LEDs are causing neurogenic seizures.” – You may view more LED Incident Reports and file your own report here.

BAN BLINDING HEADLIGHTS! Sign the petition and share. Over 60,000 people have already signed.

Traditional light sources radiate the light outward. LEDs focus the light into a beam. Because LEDs emit a directional beam of focused light, the light does not disperse gently over distance, so even from far away, LED light is extremely intense. LED light is exceedingly dense in the middle of the beam, but the density is near zero at the edges. The unique characteristics of LED light include the directional beam, non-uniform spatial distribution, unnatural spectral power distribution, square wave flicker, and digital flashing. Each individual and creature reacts differently to the different characteristics. There are little or no government regulations for any of this.