Roseville, CA

Dear Roseville City Council,

            Today I spent some time at the golf course hitting a bucket of balls at the range.  The day was beautiful with blue skies and white, puffy clouds, trees and bushes and grass and birds.  It was mostly quiet, broken by the sound of golfers complaining about their shot.

            I realized that this is how life used to be, before the invention of LED lights.  Humans are designed to look at reflected light from the sun or maybe the occasional fire or candle.  Our biology is not designed to have LED light shining directly into our eyes.

            Why has Roseville, and other governments around the country, been working so hard to destroy our entire environment?  Why do all the city vehicles now have terrorizing strobing LED lights?  Why are there 5000 Kelvin bare-diode LED streetlights everywhere?  Why does the city allow gas stations to have crazy bright LED lights displaying the price of gas, and shockingly bright LED lights overhead?

            None of us are designed for so much direct light into our eyes.  We certainly cannot tolerate strobing lights everywhere (utility trucks, garbage trucks, tow trucks, ambulances, police cars, fire trucks, radio towers, etc.)  Why are you doing this?

            I’m begging, you.  Please.  Ban all the strobing lights.  Get rid of the streetlights (cars already have automated braking systems and headlights).  Require businesses to only install soft, 2200K lighting that is shielded and diffused. 

            We can’t take this anymore.  You are depriving us of our 14th amendment right to liberty.  There is too much light.  Too much glare.  Too much danger.  Please, please, please.

By postal mail: City of Roseville, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678