Human Health

February, 2025Beyond vision: effects of light on the circadian clock and mood-related behaviours – Impacts of light on the brain and circadian rhythms.

November 19, 2024The connections between human health and blue light pollution – Audio interview with Dr. Mario Motta, the father of the discoveries of blue light melatonin suppression and the connection to disease.

November 9, 2024Effects of near-infrared radiation in ambient lighting on cognitive performance, emotion, and heart rate variability – NIR is beneficial to human health.

October 20, 2024Indoor and outdoor artificial light-at-night (ALAN) and cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis of multiple cancer sites and with a critical appraisal of exposure assessment – Artificial light at night increases cancer risk.

October 1, 2024Solid State Lighting: Review of Health Effects – A detailed literature of the health impacts of LED lighting by the International Energy Agency.

October, 2024We’re all healthier under a starry sky – American Medical Association Journal of Ethics article by Dr. Mario Motta discusses the impacts of ALAN.

September 15, 2024Light pollution: time to consider testicular effects – Given the strong interrelationships between energy metabolism and fertility (Hansen et al., 2013Della Torre et al., 2014Roa and Tena-Sempere, 2014Service et al., 2023), it is plausible that light pollution could impact fertility – impacts that include adverse effects on puberty from smart phone use at bedtime during adolescence.

September 5, 2024Outdoor nighttime light exposure (light pollution) is associated with Alzheimer’s disease – Higher outdoor nighttime light was associated with higher prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease.

August 10, 2024Insights into the Effect of Light Pollution on Mental Health: Focus on Affective Disorders—A Narrative Review – Light pollution increases risk of mental health disorders including depression, bipolar disorder, and suicidal ideations.

April 8, 2024Why Are Cancer Rates in Young People Climbing? – Blue-rich lighting may be a culprit in the rise of cancers in the young.

April 5, 2024Melanopsin: Light response, circadian rhythm, and blue light exposure – An article on the light-detecting protein melanopsin and how it is found in the eye, fat, skin, blood vessels, and brain.

March 25, 2024Outdoor Light at Night, Air Pollution, and Risk of Cerebrovascular Disease: A Cohort Study in China – ALAN increases risk of disease.

February 20, 2024Light stimulation of mitochondria reduces blood glucose levels – Red light can reduce blood glucose spikes. Red light is generally beneficial, as compared to blue light which is the controller of our circadian rhythms, but also hazardous.

February 14, 2024Influence of Light at Night on Allergic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Study finds that artificial light increases the risk of allergic diseases.

January 26, 2024Breast Cancer Incidence Among US Women Aged 20 to 49 Years by Race, Stage, and Hormone Receptor Status – Breast cancer rates started rising at 4% per year in correlation with the adoption of blue-right LED lights.

October 9, 2023Day and night light exposure are associated with psychiatric disorders: an objective light study in >85,000 people – Increased exposure to light at night increases a person’s risk for psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, bipolar and PTSD severity as well as self-harm.

October 4, 2023Lights should support circadian rhythms: evidence-based scientific consensus –  2,697 peer-reviewed publications show the blue light is harmful.

August 21, 2023Induction of Skin Cancer by Long-Term Blue Light Irradiation – The results of this study showed that daily exposure to blue light for 1 year induced skin cancer.

June 23, 2023Outdoor artificial light at night and risk of early-onset dementia: A case-control study in the Modena population, Northern Italy – Study showing a connection between artificial light at night and dementia.

June, 2023Non-image-forming functional roles of OPN3, OPN4 and OPN5 photopigments – Proteins that can detect light.

May, 2023Understanding Light Pollution: Recent Advances on Its Health Threats and Regulations – Discussion of health impacts of light pollution.

March 17, 2023Light as a Modulator of Non-Image-Forming Brain Functions—Positive and Negative Impacts of Increasing Light Availability – Melanopsin-expressing ipRGCs mediate the influence of light on several circadian, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral functions collectively defined as NIF, i.e., functions not directly related to image formation.

March 16, 2023Light at night and cause-specific mortality risk in Mainland China: a nationwide observational study – The first study showing a direct correlation between artificial light at night and death. – Cellular risks of blue light exposure.

March 13, 2023The #1 EMF You’ve Forgotten About – Detailed blog discussion of the impacts of blue wavelength light on human health.

January 4, 2023Network-driven intracellular cAMP coordinates circadian rhythm in the suprachiasmatic nucleus – Circadian rhythms are controlled by blue wavelength light.

December, 2022Associations Between Indoor Light Pollution and Unhealthy Outcomes in 2,947 Adults: Cross-sectional Analysis in HEIJO-KYO Cohort – LAN levels are significantly associated with parameters of obesity, dyslipidemia, systemic inflammation, sleep disturbances, and depressive symptoms.

October 24, 2022Light Pollution Linked with Cognitive Decline – Outdoor light pollution study.

September 28, 2022Functional connectivity of brain networks with three monochromatic wavelengths: a pilot study using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging – Each wavelength has different impacts on human brain activity.

September 26, 2022Associations between indoor light pollution and unhealthy outcomes in 2,947 adults: Cross-sectional analysis in the HEIJO-KYO cohort – LAN levels are significantly associated with parameters of obesity, dyslipidemia, systemic inflammation, sleep disturbances, and depressive symptoms.

August 10, 2022Artificial light at night and risk of mental disorders: A systematic review – “the epidemiological evidence produced so far seems to support an association between LAN and risk of depressive disorders.”

August 10, 2022Disruption of the Circadian Clock Drives Apc Loss of Heterozygosity to Accelerate Colorectal Cancer – Interruption of the circadian clock increases cancer risk.

July 15, 2022Outdoor light at night, overweight and obesity in school-aged children and adolescents – Outdoor light at night increases obesity in children.

June 22, 2022Light at Night in Older Age Associated with Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension – ALAN causes sickness.

June 14, 2022Linking Individual Differences Between in Human Primary Visual to Contrast Sensitivity Around the Visual Field – Research on how vision works.

June 6, 2022Risk of COPD Exacerbation is Increased by Poor Sleep Quality and Modified by Social Adversity – Poor sleep increases risk of lung disease.

March 14, 2022Light Exposure During Sleep Impairs Cardiometabolic Function – Blue light is bad. Any light is bad. Tiny amounts of light at night is bad.

March 10, 2022Outdoor Light at Night and Autism Spectrum Disorder – Artificial Light at Night significantly increases the risk of developing autism.

March 3, 2022The Mind After Midnight: Nocturnal Wakefulness, Behavioral Dysregulation, and Psychopathology – Maladaptive Behaviors After Midnight.

November, 2021One Third of Us are At Risk – Compiled links to medical research on the effects of LEDs.

June 6, 2021Afraid of the dark: Light acutely suppresses activity in the human amygdala – Fear of the dark is real.

May 13, 2021Should We Re-think Regulations and Standards for Lighting at Workplaces? A Practice Review on Existing Lighting Recommendations – Quote: the quality of light should not be reduced for lower energy consumption.

March, 2021Do no harm: the beginning of the age of healthy hospital lighting – Reduction of blue wavelength light improves sleep.

February 21, 2021The dark side of nocturnal light pollution. Outdoor light at night increases risk of coronary heart disease – Taken together, the present study by Sun et al. provides strong evidence that light at night may constitute a relevant contributor to increased risk of CHD.

February 8, 2021Associations between Artificial Light and Risk for Thyroid Cancer – Artificial light increases thyroid cancer risk by 55%.

February, 2021Insights into blue light accelerated tooth whitening – At a radiance of 190 mW/cm2, LEDs will bleach teeth.

January 27, 2021Moonstruck sleep: Synchronization of human sleep with the moon cycle under field conditions – Sleep timing is synchronized under the moon cycle. Artificial light disrupts this cycle.

January 7, 2021Light Pollution, Sleep Deprivation, and Infant Health at Birth – This study confirms that light pollution can lead to premature births.

November 5, 2020Evening home lighting adversely impacts the circadian system and sleep – This article makes the case that the economic benefits of energy efficient LED lighting are outweighed by the substantial disease burden they produce.

May 24, 202020% to 30% Have Heightened Sensitivity – This article articulates how the 20% to 30% of the population who are sensitive receptors have been so far snubbed by the the psychology profession.

February 29, 2020LED Street Lights – Major Health Concerns This presentation by Dr. Wojcik summarizes the research about the dangers of blue wavelength light.

February 27, 2020Blue Light Suppresses Melatonin in Dairy Calves This study shows that melatonin is suppressed by blue wavelength light, thus affecting eating, drinking, etc.\

2020Replace Toxic Fluorescent Light with Natural Light Now! – A discussion of research studies showing the adverse health impacts of fluorescent and LED light on health and student learning.

December 13, 2019Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDS): Implications for Safety – Even though this is an article from ICNIRP, it contains a fundamentally false statement on efficiency and is missing discussion of non-uniform luminance.

November 29, 2019Acute Exposure to Low Level Light at Night is Sufficient to Induce Neurological Changes and Depressive-like Behavior – Acute exposure to LAN alters brain physiology and can be detrimental to wellbeing in otherwise healthy individuals.

October 17, 2019Daily blue-light exposure shortens lifespan and causes brain neurodegeneration in Drosophila. – LED blue wavelength light causes serious injury to flies.

May 22, 2019Implication of Melanopsin and Trigeminal Neural Pathways in Blue Light Photosensitivity in vivo – Melanopsin is a protein that can detect light. The researchers demonstrate that blue-light exposure provokes important immune and inflammatory responses in the ocular surface, trigeminal pathways and the retina.

April, 2019Ocular hazards of curing light units used in dental practice – A systematic review – The article states, “This review concludes that blue light poses maximum risk to cause retinal degeneration based on the evaluated studies.”

October 2, 2018Melatonin: An Anti-Tumor Agent This study shows that light at night increases risk of breast and prostate cancer.

September 9, 2018Blue light negatively affects the survival of ARPE19 cells through an action on their mitochondria and blunted by red light – Red light blunts the negative effects of blue light.

July 2018Light Pollution, Sleep Deprivation, and Infant Health at Birth – Skyglow results in reduced birth weight and pre-term births.

June 25, 2018Current Understanding of Photophobia, Visual Networks, and Headaches – How light triggers pain.

June 5, 2018SCHEER Final Opinion on Light Emitting Diodes – An overly positive opinion of LEDs, choosing to ignore the downsides and missing studies.

February, 2018Including an index measuring the weighted content of blue light in lamp
– A proposal for G-Index in place of Correlated Color Temperature.

August 8, 2017Harvard University – Outdoor Light at Night and Breast Cancer Incidence in the Nurses’ Health Study II This study shows the link between artificial light at night and breast cancer.

February, 2017Blue Light Paradox – Blue wavelength controls circadian rhythms, but also damages the eye.

January 31, 2017 – National Institutes of Health – Timing of Light Exposure Affects Mood and Brain Circuits – This scientific research article covers how circadian rhythms are being disrupted by artificial light at night.

January 2017Photobiological Safety – Discussion of the impacts of LED light on circadian rhythms and eye cells by Christophe Martinsons.

April, 2016Exposure of Fluid Milk to LED Light – LED light has a strong negative impact on the taste of milk.

January 24, 2016NIH – Effects of Blue Light on the Circadian System and Eye Physiology This scientific research paper concludes that blue light causes photoreceptor damage.

November 17, 2014Melanopsin mediates light-dependent relaxation in blood vessels – Melanopsin proteins are found in blood vessels and can detect light.

January 2013 – Health Effects of Large LED Screens on Local Residents – Luminance above 10,000 nits is dangerous and this article mentions the need to further study the impacts of LEDs on those with epilepsy.

November 8, 2012Ensuring Safety in LED Lighting – Significant coverage of the dangers of LED radiation. Blue light hazard, excessive luminance, macular degeneration, sleep disruption, and LEDs classified as lasers for use in toys.

June 3, 2011Limiting the impact of light pollution on human health, environment, and stellar visibility. – Impacts of light pollution.

December, 2010Light Pollution: Light at Night and Breast Cancer Risk Worldwide This study shows that cancer risk increased by as high as 50% for countries with high Artificial Light at Night.

August 20, 1999Daylighting in Schools Study – Students perform better under natural light.

November 22, 1996Effect of bright light exposure on muscle sympathetic nerve activity in human – 5000 lux light triggers nerve activity, even after the light is shut off.