The IES is essentially a front organization for the LED cartel and is a major player in the LED fraud. The IES publishes standards for the lighting industry and local governments to use. The IES and the US Department of Energy are essentially a blended organization, with no independent oversight by the government.
The IES, however, doesn’t guarantee their standards. The IES states that their documents cannot be relied on and that a utility company or government cannot attribute a statement of compliance to IES. [1]
Who Funds the IES?
How Safe is Light from LEDs? – March, 2015 – The IES fraudulently states that there is no difference between incandescent radiation and LED radiation and fraudulently dismisses the health risks of LED radiation.
PS-09-17: IES Board Position on AMA CSAPH Report 2-A-16, Human and Environmental Effects of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Community Lighting – September, 2017 – The IES publicly states that it disagrees with the American Medical Association on the effects of LED radiation, specifically the spectral power distribution, on humans. The IES makes this disagreement even though by claiming that not enough is known about the dangers of LED radiation, while simultaneously making no effort to research the issue further and in 2021, the IES has nothing more to say because they know that LED radiation is toxic.
Lighting Groups Respond to AMA’s Streetlighting Recommendations – July, 2016 – The IES claims that they weren’t invited to participate in the AMA study and that not enough is known about the hazards of LED radiation. 5 years later in 2021, the IES has made no further progress in understanding the hazards and discriminatory nature of LED radiation.
Comments on AMA Report – April 10, 2017 – Shirley Coyle, IES – Shirley Coyle perpetuates the fraud.
“LED Luminaires employ a number of small point sources of light.“[1] – A mathematical point is infinitely small with no spatial attributes. A uniform sphere in 3D space can be shrunk down to a mathematical point. LED radiation is emitted from a flat chip creating a mathematical shape called a Lambertian. It is not possible to shrinking a spatial Lambertian shape down to an infinitely small mathematical point. LEDs emit non-uniform radiation.
“The small light sources enable excellent beam control with a high level of light beam efficiency.” [1] – This statement made by deceitfully attempts to give the impression that the light spread is uniform through a given angle or steradian. The purpose of an illumination devices for roadway lighting is to provide uniform illumination for a certain volume or area. LEDs have an intense peak of energy in the center and the spread of the radiation is not uniform, resulting in quality of light and reduced vision for the user.
“It’s important to note that there’s no difference between the type of visible radiant energy emitted by LEDs and that emitted by every other kind of light source.”[f] – This is a fraudulent statement by the IES. As the IES is fully aware, an incandescent light source emits spatially isotropic radiation, while LEDs emit radiation from a flat surface, resulting in spatially anisotropic visible radiation that interferes with human nerves.
And in fact, [blue light] risks are about the same for typical commercially available LEDs as for they are for other light sources having the same CCT.[f] – As the IES is aware, it is not possible to assign a single Correlated Color Temperature to spatially anisotropic radiation.
Letter to the Illuminating Engineering Society – December 26, 2021
[1] IES Recommended Practice for Design and Maintenance of Roadway Parking and Facility Lighting, Section