Public Policy


April 30, 2024LED Headlights Presentation to Congressional Staffer – Presentation to Congressional staffer on the impacts of LED headlights.

October 12, 2018NHTSA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Adaptive Driving Beam – ADB is designed to promote the use of high beams, not reduce the glare from low beams.


2019How to Get Your Electronic Product On the U.S. Market – A presentation by the FDA on regulation of electronic products that emit radiation.

May, 2006The Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968: History, Accomplishments, and Future. – A review of the history of US regulation of electromagnetic radiation.

Department of Energy

January, 2014Solid-State Lighting: Early Lessons Learned on the Way to Market – Describes LEDs as a radically new technology.

Federal Aviation Administration

December 3, 2014FAA Discusses Pros and Cons of Airport LED Lighting with Industry Stakeholders

2007VGLS – Light Emitting Diode (LED) Initiative

Light Pollution

January 12, 2024Manifesto for Tackling Light Pollution & Proposing EU Light Pollution Monitoring – The document is a comprehensive guide addressing the multifaceted impacts of light pollution in the EU.  It emphasizes the need for cohesive measures to mitigate these impacts and proposes strategies for monitoring and reducing light pollution. Key points include recognizing light as an environmental pollutant, integrating light pollution into the EU environmental regulatory framework, and implementing monitoring networks. The manifesto calls for public awareness campaigns, interdisciplinary engagement for policy development, and the inclusion of light pollution measures in international frameworks.

November 4, 2022Healthier and Environmentally Responsible Sustainable Cities and Communities. A New Design Framework and Planning Approach for Urban Illumination – Mentions that LEDs emit non-uniform luminance and that metrics for LED light are invalid.

February, 2021A Bright Idea? – LightAware Charity report on Health, Social, and Environmental impacts of LED light.

January, 2021Recommendations to Keep Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society – United Nations – “If phosphor-converted amber LED or white LED lights are used, the amount of blue light (λ < 500 nm) should be below 5 per cent of the total spectral power. Generally, this requires using LED luminaires with a correlated colour temperature of 2200K or less.”

2020National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife Including Marine Turtles, Seabirds and Migratory Shorebirds – Australia Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Start with natural darkness and only add light for specific purposes.

2019French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety – Effects on human health and the environment (fauna and flora) of systems using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) – “limit their exposure to blue-rich lighting”

2019French Light Pollution Law – French Government. CCT threshold at 2700K for the “built environment” of towns and villages, and 2400K otherwise.

2018France Adopts National Light Policy France has understood that lighting needs to be restricted and they have implemented this very important decree. In the the decree, France sets 3000K color temperature as an absolute maximum, with a maximum of 2400K for wildlife areas. The decree also sets restrictions on the amount of light, the direction of the light and time of day for the light. Use this information to urge your own government to adopt a similar or even stricter policy.

United Kingdom – Artificial Light Nuisance


April 19, 2024Health Impacts, Disability Rights, and Regulatory Status of LED Streetlights – Prepared for Henderson, NV by the Soft Lights Foundation.

September 4, 2023Summary of LED Streetlights – Contains a table of streetlight radiation types and additional information showing why an LED streetlight is an an unregulated, defective product which not be used.

Light Emitting Diodes

September 4, 2023Brief History of LED Laws – This document summarizes the history of how Congress passed laws that led to the widespread adoption of LEDs.

September 18, 20222022 Report on LEDs – The Soft Lights Foundation report on LEDs with a line-by-line analysis of the 2018 SCHEER Report.

May 2, 2022Proposal for Standards for Point Source and Surface Source Light – This Soft Lights Foundation proposal was sent to Cree Lighting, IES and IDA.

April 26, 2022US Department of Energy Light Bulb Rules – The US DOE adopts standards and falsely claims that LEDs are energy efficient. Point Sources and Surface Sources cannot be compared for energy efficiency because they don’t provide the same service.

2020 ICNIRP Statement Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Implications for Safety – ICNIRP ignores the neurological impacts of LED radiation and does not address the safety of those outside of the “healthy population”.

June, 2018Potential Risks to Human Health of Light Emitting Diodes – The Scientific Committee on Health, Environment and Emerging Risks report describes some of the health impacts of LEDs, but contains many inaccurate statements. The SCHEER does state that monitoring of LED health risks must be ongoing.

Blue Light

March 1, 2022Eyesafe Display Requirements 2.0 – Industry Blue Light Standards

2017England Chief Medical Officer 2017 Report – Chapter 4 describes multiple dangers of blue wavelength light.

2016Human and Environmental Effects of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Community Lighting – American Medical Association. 3000K or lower lighting for outdoor installations such as roadways.

2012Light Pollution: Adverse Health Effects of Nighttime Lighting – Glare from nighttime lighting can create hazards ranging form discomfort to frank visual disability.

February, 2018Making Light Healthier plus G-index Proposal – This scientific paper discusses how to make light healthier and includes a proposal to use the spectral G-index to help define healthy light.